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Wine is our passion and our priority. Our ambition is to offer high-quality barrels. Respect for the winegrower’s work, richness in tannins, aromatic complexity, gentleness and l ength on the palate…

For us, these features of taste and aroma are elements requiring thought and hard work which motivate all our choices in terms of wood selection, methods for ageing our merrains, and the quality of our toasting operations.

Our cooperage belongs to a long tradition of craftsmanship. We are very proud to count a large number of master coopers and Compagnons among our team. Their experience, their expertise, the quality and the precision of their work are our promise of consistency, and the hallmarks of our unique style.

Drying and Trading of the woods of Aliers, active for 41 years. Established in Allier.

In charge of purchasing and processing logs into stave, sorting, refining and maturing wood for our two cooperages.

Maturation park: Marcenat,
Production workshop: Buxières les Mines.

Find out more about the new packaging of tour barrels.
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Head office : SAS GROUPE BARTHE • 9 Rue Ernest Cognacq • 11100 NARBONNE • France • Tel +33 (0)4 68 32 36 37
Tonnellerie Boutes : RN89 Sortie n°7 ZA du Lapin • 33750 BEYCHAC & CAILLAU • France • Tel +33 (0)5 56 72 87 87
Tonnellerie Garonnaise : Thivras • 47200 MARMANDE • France • Tel  +33 (0)5 53 20 77 18

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